

Typical Workflow

Here’s what a typical protobuf workflow might look like:

  1. Define the schema
  2. Generate Clients and Server Stubs
  3. Implement your service
  4. Deploy to a development environment
  5. Tell the frontend engineers to start integrating with this new service.

With FauxRPC

With FauxRPC, you can parallelize the last 3 steps. Here’s what it might look like now:

  1. Define the schema
  2. Generate Clients and Server Stubs
  3. The backend team implements the service while the frontend engineers can already start working

With FauxRPC, you can start iterating on the schema much quicker and in a much more natural way. Many times, flaws in the schema aren’t discovered until you start using the service, so getting to a mocked-out prototype quicker can make the entire process faster.

In summation, you get:

  • Parallel Development
  • Faster Feedback Loops
  • Reduced Integration Issues
  • Simplified Debugging
  • Reduced External Dependencies